Help us spread the word

We don't believe in buying ads. We don't want to distort reality. Or, in other words, we would love to live in a society, where our decisions are based on facts and opinions we can trust.

We think our message is powerful enough to be spread with the help of people who are informed and do give a damn.

With the help of YOU.

If no other source is specified, all the original contents (recipes and calculations) of this website and the software are licensed under a Peer Production, P2P Attribution-ConditionalNonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicense. This means they can be used, re-printed and re-distributed by everyone without having to ask us. If you want to use our recipes, content and calculation commercially, print them in a magazine, use them for your campagain or newsletter. Just go ahead. They are all yours, please just refer back to Eaternity as a source.

Feel free to spread the word and help us grow the idea of a sustainable food system.

Press releases


Are you looking for any specific information or are you interested in an interview? We are more than happy to help you out.

Get in touch

Eaternity in the media

The idea and vision of Eaternity has been discussed in some of the worlds leading media.